[Updated] Popular Catalan Barbecue in Scotland

March 23rd of 2014, at Craigmillar Arts Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland.  Calçotada, Popular Catalan Barbecue. Organized by Catalan Assembly in Scotland (ANC Scotland). We are delighted to announce a Popular Catalan Barbecue in Edinburgh. It will be in Craigmillar Arts Centre in Edinburgh (Scotland) the next March 23rd, starting at 12.30 p.m. Tickets available and … Continue reading [Updated] Popular Catalan Barbecue in Scotland

Why Scots are one step ahead (Post #RIC2013 thoughts)

After attending the Radical Independence Conference 2013 (RIC2013) held two weeks ago, one should assert Scots are one step ahead on the process. Let me share these thoughts. Scotland and Catalonia processes share a lot and differ a lot. What is similar and what is different has been analysed and repeated here and there, and … Continue reading Why Scots are one step ahead (Post #RIC2013 thoughts)

L’ANC-Escòcia es presenta i ja prepara la cadena humana

Una trentena llarga de persones han assistit a la presentació de l’ANC - Escòcia, que s’ha dut a terme recentment al parc de Holyrood a Edimburg. Des de la branca escocesa de l’Assemblea Nacional Catalana va donar-se la benvinguda així als participants d’aquesta primera activitat davant de Holyrood Gate, molt a prop del Parlament d’aquesta … Continue reading L’ANC-Escòcia es presenta i ja prepara la cadena humana